Saturday, March 7, 2009

Hawaii - Lava Beaches, Plumes, and the Road That Disappeared (26FEB2009)

Aloha again,

this is Post #3 for today and this one is all dedicated to L-A-V-A. We start off with a brand new lava beach in the making. Then we drive across a road partially covered in lava for an evening view of lava entering the ocean (from the safe distance, per county rules). Gotta lava da lava!

Perfect pehoehoe lava, just the way Pele likes it:

Can you twist a rock into this rope-like shape? Pele can - at 2700 degrees Fahrenheit!

Here is a not-quite-brand-new lava beach (hiking access only):

And now we are headed to a brand new lava beach in the making:

The green end is the beginning of a new coconut palm for the beach here:

Fast-forward a few months:

And now, fast-forward to sunset and the drive and subsequent hike over lava-covered road to the current viewing site:

And the actual viewing (camera looking through a pair of binoculars):

Aloha from Pele...

Kepani & Kamila

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