Saturday, January 24, 2009

Hawaii - Kalaupapa: Moody Mules, Soaring Sea Cliffs, and Hansen's Disease (15 JAN 2009)


howdy and howzit? This day has Kalaupapa written all over it. This may not mean much to many until we add that this place is home to the world's tallest sea cliffs, that many years ago, King Kamehameha V ordered all Hawaiians suffering from leprosy (now more sensitively referred to as 'Hansen's Disease) separated from their families and subsequently quarantined here (for life!). It is the place where Father Damien, soon to be canonized (Feb 2009), made his life's work for sixteen years until he himself became stricken with Hansen's Disease and died at the age of 49. It is also, on a more light hearted note (depending on who you ask) the place of one of the world's most famous mule rides - the 90-minute 1700 foot drop over a distance of 3.5 miles containing 26 switchbacks!!!

We set the most obvious videos to Lono kine music (with permission from Lono, of course). For more on Lono's onolicious music, click here:

This was a long day with lots of video and photos. If you cannot watch it all, whatever you do, don't miss videos #1 (Descent) and #4 (Ascent).

For those without super fast internet connections (including us, at the moment) your videos will probably not play continuously without some advance buffering. It is easy to buffer, however, so all is not lost. Simply click 'play' to start it playing, then just click the pause button (II) on the lower left side of the video screen until you see it has buffered 1/4-1/1 past the right side of the dot (there is a red 'play' line to the left of the dot and a faded red 'buffer' line to the right of the dot). Once buffered, simply hit the red play (>) arrow in the lower left corner again and the video should play through without interruption. If it does not, it is most likely because you did not let it buffer long enough. Slow connections may require you to buffer the entire video before you begin to play it - fine so long as you know what to do!!?? Now you know. Enjoy the show!]

It's 8AM and we are ready to descend:

Kalaupapa #1: The Precipitous Mule Back Descent:

Here is a quick photo of the view that greeted us on arrival at Kalaupapa:

As you will see in this next video, our ride in Kalaupapa bears testimony to the remoteness of this locale. E-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g, other than perishable goods, is shipped in by barge once a YEAR. Undoubtedly a costly and cumbersome affair. In other words, use it until it won't work no more (see da yellow bus!)

Kalaupapa #2: Da yellow ride and the Kalaupapa Tour:

The famous Mother Maryanne who took over caring for patients shortly before Father Damien's death:

And, Father Damien himself:

And then back on da Bus Gus (sea cliffs in background) for a ride over to Kalawao, the original landing spot for the patients (the colony was later moved to Kalaupapa):

Kalaupapa #3: Kalawao, Damien's Grave, and Incredible Vistas:

A rare photo of Yours Truly's together (note Camilla's hideous grin. What de heck is dat all about??):

And now, Kalaupapa #4: The Precipitous Mule Back Ascent:

For those who want to see all the photos from this day, here's where to find them (starts with image# 1559, ends with image# 1783):

Hence, with sore derrieres and a heart-pounding new adventure in our most immediate past, we retire early this evening full of impressions, respect, and appreciation...

Warm alohazzzzzzzzzzzzz,
Kepani & Kamila

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