Sunday, January 4, 2009

Hawaii - Work, work, work and a Wonderful Sunset (26 DEC 2008)

Well, as the title of this entry aptly states, we spent most of the day in the realm of technology. Had we photographed, or worse - f-i-l-m-e-d - this day, it would consist of various photos of laptops, the Officejet machine sweating bullets, Gracious Anne's monstrous (thank goodness!) shredder munching away on overtime, and photos of us pulling out any remaining hair (which isn't much, as some of you well know...). In short: excrutiatingly BO-Ring!!

For those without super fast internet connections (including us, at the moment) your videos will probably not play continuously without some advance buffering. It is easy to buffer, however, so all is not lost. Simply click 'play' to start it playing, then just click the pause button (II) on the lower left side of the video screen until you see it has buffered 1/4-1/1 past the right side of the dot (there is a red 'play' line to the left of the dot and a faded red 'buffer' line to the right of the dot). Once buffered, simply hit the red play (>) arrow in the lower left corner again and the video should play through without interruption. If it does not, it is most likely because you did not let it buffer long enough. Slow connections may require you to buffer the entire video before you begin to play it - fine so long as you know what to do!!?? Now you know. Enjoy the show!]

We did manage to sneak out for this 'Wonderful Sunset' however:

...Back to work...

Steve and Camilla

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